10 New Features in Drupal 8 Core

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First time I have used the Drupal 8 I have confessed to usages of Drupal 8. In this article mainly I have explained about the new features of Drupal 8.

Here are the main new features of Drupal 8.

#1. New Fields

There are five completely new field types in the Drupal 8 core:

  1. Date
  2. Email
  3. Link
  4. Reference
  5. Telephone

This screenshot shows the new interface for adding fields.

There have also been some smaller changes too:
  • The English used for field names is more straightforward. For example, "Integer" is now simply "Number".
  • Comments is now available as a field, rather than a setting.

#2. Fields are everywhere

Not only are there new fields, but you can now add fields in many more places.

You can add fields to nodes, blocks, comments, contact forms, taxonomy terms and users.


#3. CKEditor

Previous versions of Drupal did not provide a text editor.

Drupal 8 ships with CKEditor, one of the very best text editors on the market.

#4. Quick Edit

Thanks to the "Quick Edit" module, if you're logged into Drupal and looking at content, you'll be able to edit text directly from the front-end of your site.


#5. Responsive Images

Drupal 7 provided image styles in the core, which allowed you to automatically resize images.

Drupal 8 takes that a step further and allows you to choose different styles for individual images. The various styles will be used for different device sizes.

 #6. Tour

Drupal's explanatory text was always hidden away under the "Help" link. Now, thanks to the Tour module, you can click the "Tour" link and see pop-ups that explain how Drupal works.  


Views sit high up in the Drupal module hierarchy, as it is an integral part of most website projects, and a lot is pretty much impossible without it. Site designers have used use this hitherto-contributed module to output galleries, maps, graphs, lists, posts, tables, menus, blocks, reports, and what-have-you.

With this Drupal 8 feature, Views is part of and firmly integrated with the core. The front page and several administration pages are now Views, and users will now be able to quickly create pages, blocks, admin sections, etc., and modify existing ones just as effortlessly.

#8. Multilingual

Multi-lingual Drupal 7 sites required you to install numerous modules. The process is much smoother in Drupal 8, with 4 key modules in the core.

Once those modules are enabled, you can almost immediately start translating your site.

#9. Configuration Manager

The new Configuration Manager module in Drupal 8 makes it much easier to export and import the features that you build.

For example, if you create a new content type, you can export it from your test site and easily import it into a live site.

#10. Webservices

As with multi-lingual sites, it used to require several contributed modules to create a webservice in Drupal 7. Now, in Drupal 8, everything you need is in the core.

Enable the four Web Services modules, go to Views, and you'll immediately be able to create a REST export.

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