How do I work efficiently as a front-end developer?

  1. Using the right editorSwitching from a simple text editor to one made for authoring HTML, CSS and JavaScript will help reduce errors and streamline the generating of code.
  2. Using time-saving pluginsSome plugins in the browser, editor and command-line will save you heaps of time. Try out Emmet, Use LiveReload and Autoprefixer. etc.
  3. Using the right stackTake the time to learn the right front-end authoring framework. The NodeJS stack is incredibly well-suited for this, so try out such things as Yeoman, Gulp, Grunt, Bower, etc.
  4. Learn to type fasterDrill, drill, drill. Play typing games, or learn to touch type if you haven't already.
  5. Get to know your keyboard shortcutsThe less time your hands spend on the keyboard, the less efficient you are. So start memorising and using the keyboard shortcuts in your browser, editor and OS.
  6. A well-defined plan or specMake sure you have all the materials you need beforehand. Communicate!
    Refactoring is costly, so if you can, understand what is required of you BEFORE you start working. Work it into your contract so that you get paid for what you deliver.
  7. Memorise!
    CSS and HTML have a finite number of elements in play. Learn all the properties, selectors, elements and attributes. Learn how they work. If you can cut down on googling for answers, you'll be more efficient.
    You'll also need to learn how different browsers handle your work.
  8. Testing
    Reducing errors early will potentially save you lots of rework later. Fire up Internet Explorer and your mobile browser early and test.
  9. Re-use assets
    Got something that worked well in a previous project and is needed again? Drop that into your new project. Start building a library of patterns you use often.

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