Great Sketch Plugins for Better Work Flow

1. Marvel Sketch Plugin

If you work with Marvel, the prototyping tool, a lot, you’ll find this plugin extremely useful. You no longer have to export and input your design manually.

You can export directly into Marvel from Sketch. Watch the little, animated video they have on their landing page. It looks straightforward. It looks like it will make the life of a Marvel user so much easier.

2. Notebook

If you and your team prefer to share Sketch files among one another, this is a great plugin for you. Notebook plugin allows you to keep notes on your Sketch artboards. You can edit them all you wish. The downside of this plugin is it’s still very new.

A lot of things that should be automatic are not, yet. For instance, when you move an element elsewhere, the note annotation does not. You have to tell the plugin to do so. It can be a bit tedious but at least you get to have notes inside of sketch.

3. Iconfont

So many designers use so many different icon fonts. It can screw the Sketch file up if you don’t have a backup if a colleague opens a file without having all the assets like correct icon fonts.

With this plugin, you can easily convert your icon fonts into outlines. This will make everybody’s life easier. Especially for those designers often sharing files.

4. RenameIt

As its own name suggests, RenameIt lets you rename multiple Sketch layers at once. You can rename them to be the same thing like “Button.” You can rename them to be sequential to like in the image above. You can add to the existing names.

The tool is very handy in keeping your files easily organized. Additionally, you can search and replace layer names with RenameIt too.

5. Generate Android Assets

If you work with Android designs in Sketch, you know how hard it is to export it for the developers. With this plugin, you can easily export everything you’d need at once.

It’s even simpler than Zeplin, which is later down the list. It comes with features specific to exporting Android which means it covers all the necessary bases for sizing.

6. Efficiency

The Efficiency plugin seems to be an all-in-one plugin that removes a lot of annoyances out of missing Sketch features. You can set an imported bitmap image as a shape background for easier resizing.

You can edit text styles such as leading, tracking or even line height. It truly has a lot to offer.

7. Symbols for Sketch

Symbols for Sketch is a plugin that lets you easily create icon fonts in Sketch. It comes with an easy to use template. All you have to do is design your icons and run Gulp in order to quickly convert your Sketch files into usable icon fonts.

8. Sketch Color Contrast Analyser

It’s never a great idea to sacrifice accessibility for a cool looking color scheme. The worst is when the color looks okay on one screen but terrible on another.

To always be sure that the contact is good quality, use the Color Contrast Analyser plugin. It’s a great Sketch plugin that actually tells you if your contact is so bad, it’s failing the accessibility standards.

9. Swap Fill Border

I’m surprised that there is no shortcut in Sketch for this by default. Especially because this is such a common problem. Accidentally filling in the wrong colours for a border or fill, or even playing around with colors, happens way too often.

With the Swap Fill Border plugin, you use a keyboard shortcut to, well, swap the fill and border colors with one another. It’s a really great Sketch plugin, if I may say so myself.

10. Clear Styles

Just like the name suggests, this great Sketch plugin allows you to clear styling from shapes and text elements. Better yet, it allows you to create a new default.

That’s in case you’re not a fan of the default Sketch styling. Personally, I am not so this plugin is fantastic in helping me make my design elements just the way I like them.

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