Nice Scroll is a simple jQuery plugin that replaces your browser’s default scroll bar with a custom scroll bar which you can fully customize.
Very easy to integrate, simply copy the CDN on the header part of your website then add this additional script just bellow the CDN:
Replace “html” with whatever element you wish to integrate niceScroll.
To customize the appearance and behavior, use these parameters:
- Compatible with all desktop browser: Firefox 4+, Chrome 5+, Safari 4+ (win/mac), Opera 10+, IE 6+. (all A-grade browsers)
- Compatible with mobile device: iPad/iPhone/iPod, Android 2.2+, Blackberry phones and Playbook (WebWorks/Table OS), Windows Phone 7.5 Mango and Windows Phone 8
- Compatible with all touch devices: iPad, Window Surface.
- Compabible with multi-input device (mouse with touch or pen): Window Surface, Chrome Desktop on touch notebook.
- Compatible with 2 directions mice: Apple Magic Mouse, Apple Mouser with 2-dir wheel, PC mouse with 2-dir wheel (if browser support it).
<script src="//"></script>
Very easy to integrate, simply copy the CDN on the header part of your website then add this additional script just bellow the CDN:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("html").niceScroll({cursorwidth: '10px', autohidemode: false, zindex: 999 });
Replace “html” with whatever element you wish to integrate niceScroll.
To customize the appearance and behavior, use these parameters:
- cursorcolor – change cursor color in hex, default is “#000000”
- cursoropacitymin – change opacity very cursor is inactive (scrollabar “hidden” state), range from 1 to 0, default is 0 (hidden)
- cursoropacitymax – change opacity very cursor is active (scrollabar “visible” state), range from 1 to 0, default is 1 (full opacity)
- cursorwidth – cursor width in pixel, default is 5 (you can write “5px” too)
- cursorborder – css definition for cursor border, default is “1px solid #fff”
- cursorborderradius – border radius in pixel for cursor, default is “4px”
- zindex – change z-index for scrollbar div, default value is 9999
- scrollspeed – scrolling speed, default value is 60
- mousescrollstep – scrolling speed with mouse wheel, default value is 40 (pixel)
- touchbehavior – enable cursor-drag scrolling like touch devices in desktop computer (default:false)
- hwacceleration – use hardware accelerated scroll when supported (default:true)
- boxzoom – enable zoom for box content (default:false)
- dblclickzoom – (only when boxzoom=true) zoom activated when double click on box (default:true)
- gesturezoom – (only when boxzoom=true and with touch devices) zoom activated when pitch out/in on box (default:true)
- grabcursorenabled, display “grab” icon for div with touchbehavior = true, (default:true)
- autohidemode, how hide the scrollbar works, true=default / “cursor” = only cursor hidden / false = do not hide
- background, change css for rail background, default is “”
- iframeautoresize, autoresize iframe on load event (default:true)
- cursorminheight, set the minimum cursor height in pixel (default:20)
- preservenativescrolling, you can scroll native scrollable areas with mouse, bubbling mouse wheel event (default:true)
- railoffset, you can add offset top/left for rail position (default:false)
- bouncescroll, enable scroll bouncing at the end of content as mobile-like (only hw accell) (default:false)
- spacebarenabled, enable page down scrolling when space bar has pressed (default:true)
- railpadding, set padding for rail bar (default:{top:0,right:0,left:0,bottom:0})
- disableoutline, for chrome browser, disable outline (orange hightlight) when selecting a div with nicescroll (default:true)
- horizrailenabled, nicescroll can manage horizontal scroll (default:true)
- railalign, alignment of vertical rail (defaul:”right”)
- railvalign, alignment of horizontal rail (defaul:”bottom”)
- enabletranslate3d, nicescroll can use css translate to scroll content (default:true)
- enablemousewheel, nicescroll can manage mouse wheel events (default:true)
- enablekeyboard, nicescroll can manage keyboard events (default:true)
- smoothscroll, scroll with ease movement (default:true)
- sensitiverail, click on rail make a scroll (default:true)
- enablemouselockapi, can use mouse caption lock API (same issue on object dragging) (default:true)
- cursorfixedheight, set fixed height for cursor in pixel (default:false)
- hidecursordelay, set the delay in microseconds to fading out scrollbars (default:400)
- directionlockdeadzone, dead zone in pixels for direction lock activation (default:6)
- nativeparentscrolling , detect bottom of content and let parent to scroll, as native scroll does (default:true)
- enablescrollonselection, enable auto-scrolling of content when selection text (default:true)